Last Saturday morning about 8 a.m., five hours into my early-morning shift feeding and changing diapers for my six-month-old son, I received a DM on Instagram from Fifth Wrist’s El Presidente, telling me to join The Wristies Zoom presentation ASAP. I’d been so focused on my son and the holidays that I had completely forgotten The Wristies (Fifth Wrist‘s annual awards show) were taking place. But I found the Zoom link and hopped on just in time to hear Pippy review some of the best Fifth Wrist reviews of the year before announcing that my review of the Hamilton Skymaster GMT had won Best Review of 2021.
The review, which was published very early on in 2021, contains a lot of inside jokes referencing bits from the Fifth Wrist podcasts (which you should check out), and was a lot of fun to write. I’m glad that others had fun reading it, and being honored at The Wristies was a very fun surprise. Hopefully my schedule will stabilize in 2022 and allow me to resume writing more often for Fifth Wrist and here.
In the meantime, please go check out some of the other top reviews from 2021 mentioned by Pippy:
- Dali Soft Watch, by tiffanyticks
- Citizen “Spyder,” by findingfam
- Any review by a.cesnovar
- Swatch Sistem51 by petitesecondes; and
- The runner-up, Christopher Ward C60 by but_dear.